






[1]    北京工业大学研究生科技基金,ykj-2016-00374,双车道环境中情感演变激发的驾驶员意图转移规律的研究,2016/12-2017/10, 0.3万元,1/5、负责人

[2]    北京工业大学研究生科技基金,ykj-2018-00280,基于深度学习的新型小目标检测算法研究,2018/12-2019/10, 0.3万元,1/5、负责人



[1]    Chunjie Ma, Li Zhuo, Jiafeng Li, Yutong Zhang, and Jing Zhang. Cascade transformer decoder based occluded pedestrian detection with dynamic deformable convolution and gaussian projection channel attention mechanism[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023, 25: 1529-1537.

[2]    Chunjie Ma, Lina Du, Li Zhuo, Jiafeng Li. MPLA-Net: multiple pseudo label aggregation network for weakly supervised video salient object detection[J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2023: 1-9.

[3]    Chunjie Ma, Li Zhuo, Jiafeng Li, Yutong Zhang, and Jing Zhang. Occluded prohibited object detection in X-ray images with global context-aware multi-scale feature aggregation. Neurocomputing. 2023, 519: 1-16.

[4]    Chunjie Ma, Li Zhuo, Jiafeng Li, Yutong Zhang, and Jing Zhang. EAOD‐Net: effective anomaly object detection networks for X‐ray images[J]. IET Image Processing, 2022, 16(10): 2638-2651.

[5]    Chunjie Ma, Li Zhuo, Jiafeng Li, Yutong Zhang, and Jing Zhang. Prohibited object detection in X-ray images with dynamic deformable convolution and adaptive IoU[C]//IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Bordeaux, France: IEEE, 2022: 1-5.

[6]    Chunjie Ma, Li Zhuo, Jiafeng Li, Yutong Zhang, and Jing Zhang. Anomaly object detection in X-ray images with Gabor convolution and bigger discriminative RoI pooling[C]//International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology (IWAIT). Hong Kong, China: SPIE, 2022: 42.Best Paper Award

[7]    Yutong Zhang, Chunjie Ma, Li Zhuo, Jiafeng Li. Arbitrary-oriented object detection in aerial images with dynamic deformable convolution and self-normalizing channel attention. Electronics, 2023: 1-17.

[8]    Yutong Zhang, Li Zhuo, Chunjie Ma, and Yi Zhang. Abnormal object detection in X-ray images with self-normalizing channel attention and efficient data augmentation[C]//International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology (IWAIT). Hong Kong, China: SPIE, 2022: 46.

[9]    Yi Zhang, Li Zhuo, Chunjie Ma, Yutong Zhang, Jiafeng Li. CTA-FPN: channel-target attention feature pyramid network for prohibited object detection in X-ray images. Sensing and Imaging[J].2023, 24(1): 1-14.



[1]    高赞、陈心双、赵一博、马春杰、李传森、刘冬冬,基于边缘引导和多层级搜索的图像篡改检测方法,中国专利,专利号:ZL202310617640.6

[2]    高赞、张攀、徐海霞、马春杰、赵一博、薛彦兵、温显斌、李传森、刘冬冬,衣物屏蔽网络的人体高级语义换衣行人重识别方法及装置,中国专利,专利号:ZL202310627517.2

[3]    高赞、杨红旗、赵一博、马春杰、李传森、刘冬冬,多模态假新闻检测方法及系统,中国专利,专利号:ZL202310610867.8



[1]    华为杯第十四届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,国家一等奖

[2]    高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛,国家二等奖

[3]    Certificate Authority Cup International MATHEMATICAL CONTEST IN MODELINGHonourable Metion

[4]    International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology 2022, 最佳论文奖