徐瑞民,男,副教授,于2007年和2014年分别获山东大学概率论与数理统计的硕士、博士学位。近几年主要从事随机分析、随机控制、随机对策等方面的研究工作,成果主要发表在《International Journal of Control》、《Automatica》、《Computers and Mathematics with Applications》、《Statistics and Probability Letters》、《Complexity》、《Advances in Difference Equations》等国际国内期刊上。主持山东省自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目4项,以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文10篇,其中SCI收录8篇。
1、Ruimin Xu, Jingtao Shi, ϵ -Nash mean-field games for linear-quadratic systems with random jumps and applications, International Journal of Control, 2021(94), 1415-1425. (SCI)
2、Ruimin Xu, Rongwei Guo, Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle for Optimal Control of Stochastic SEIR Models, Complexity, 2020(2020):1-5. (SCI)
3、Ruimin Xu, Feng Zhang, ϵ-Nash mean-field games for general linear-quadratic systems with applications, Automatica, 2020(114):1-6. (SCI)
4、Ruimin Xu, Tingting Wu, Finite volume method for solving the stochastic Helmholtz equation, Advances in Difference Equations, 2019(84):1-26. (SCI)
5、Zhen Wu, Ruimin Xu, Probabilistic interpretation for Sobolev solutions of McKean-Vlasov partial differential equations, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2019(145):273-283. (SCI)
6、Tingting Wu, Ruimin Xu, An optimal compact sixth-order finite difference scheme for the Helmholtz equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2018(75): 2520-2537. (SCI)
7、Ruimin Xu, Tingting Wu, Mean-Field Backward Stochastic Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces and Optimal Control for BSPDEs, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(2014): 1-18. (SCI)
8、Ruimin Xu, Mean-field backward doubly stochastic differential equations and related SPDEs, Boundary Value Problems, 2012(114): 1-20. (SCI)