


戚懿,女,1973年生,博士,BWIN必赢官网的特聘教授,2002年毕业于纽约理工大学交通运输专业,获博士学位,之后进入弗吉尼亚大学交通运输工程博士后流动站从事科研工作,2005年出站任教至今。戚懿博士在城市交通规划、交通运输建模,高速公路安全分析、交通运输空气质量和智能运输系统领域进行大量前沿研究。近年来先后主持了二十余项由美国运输部(USDOT), 联邦高速公路管理(FHWA)等部门资助的重点项目, 有着丰富的项目组织、管理经验。在这些研究工作的基础上,戚懿博士发表三十多篇SCI或EI收录的学术论文、众多会议论文和撰写科研报告三十余部。 戚懿博士还获得了华东师范大学概率统计学专业的硕士学位以及数学专业的学士学位,这更奠定了她在优化算法及数学建模方面的知识实力和技术水平。作为一名在国内外认可的学者, 戚懿博士曾担任多个美国交通领域执行委员会的理事或顾问和多个国际交通领域学术组织下属委员会理事,同时还担任多个交通学术期刊的编委会成员。


1Tier One National University Transportation Center, CAMMSE, Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (U.S. DOT, 2016-2021, Five-Institutional Consortium, Budget: $1,000,000).

2.Preparing technically savvy homeland security professionals for maritime transportation security (Department of Homeland Security, Award Number 2014-ST-062-000057, $800,000, 2014-2018)

3. Development of Systemic Large Truck Safety Analysis (Texas Department of Transportation research project 0-6911, $118,036, 2016-2018)


Qi, Y., Y. Wang, X. Chen, R. L. Cheu, L. Yu and H. Teng, “Methods of dropping auxiliary lanes at freeway weaving segments”, Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 0, Issue 0, pp. 1-13, 2018.

Qi, Y. and Q. Zhao, “Safety impacts of signalized lane merge control at highway work zones”, Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 40, Issue 5, pp.577-591, 2017.

Qi, Y., A. Padiath, and L. Yu.  “Development Of Operating Mode ID Distributions For Different Types Of Roadways Under Different Congestion Levels For Vehicle Emission Assessment Using Moves”, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vol. 66, Issue 10, pp. 1003-1011, 2015

Chen X., Y. Qi, and Y. Lu, “Safety Impacts of Using Short Left-Turn Lanes at Unsignalized Median Openings”, Journal of Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2436, pp 13-22, 2014., Win 2015 TexITE  Best Technical Paper Award

Qi ,Y. and P. Yuan , “Pedestrian Safety Under Permissive Left-Turn Signal Control”, Transportation Research Record, Volume 2299, pp 91-100, 2012

Qi ,Y., L. Guo, L. Yu and H. Teng, “Estimation of Design Lengths of Left-turn Lanes”, ASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering,  Volume 138 , Issue 3, pp 274-283, 2012.

Qi ,Y., X. Chen, A. Guo and L. Yu, “A New Analytical Approach To Estimating The Operational Benefit And The Safety Cost Of Protected/Permissive Left-Turn Signal Control Mode”, Transportation Research Record, Volume 2149, pp 37-49, 2010

Qi, Y., H. Teng, D.R. Martinelli, “An Investigation of Incident Frequency, Duration and Lanes Blockage for Determining Traffic Delay”, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 275-299, 2009

Qi, Y. and H. Teng, “An Information-Based Time Sequential Approach to On-Line Incident Duration Prediction”, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2008

Qi, Y., L. Yu and M. Azimi, “Determination of Storage Lengths of Left-Turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections”,  Transportation Research Record, Volume 2023, pp 102-111, 2007

Qi, Y. and B. Smith, J. Guo “Freeway Accident Probability Prediction Using a Panel Data Analysis Approach,” ASCE’s Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 133, Number 3, pp. 149-156,  2007.

Qi ,Y., Y. Tang and B. Smith, “Video-Based Automated Identification Of Freeway Shoulder Events”, Transportation Research Record, Volume 1972, pp 46-53, 2006


