


许玉龙,男,1978年生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。山东师范大学原子与分子物理专业毕业,致力于应用混合量子力学和分子力学方法研究液相中的反应进程和机制。在国内外重要期刊上发表论文10余篇,主持山东省自然科学基金课题1项,参与国家课题2项,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金两项,山东省高等学校科技计划三项。到位经费80余万元;获得山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学类三等奖1项;“高等教育杯”全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛二等奖一项;获鲁工业大学 “德融好教师称号;山东省物理学会会员


1、主持山东省面上项目《运用量子/分子力学研究羟自由基对嘧啶碱基的破坏》    2016.11



《强激光场中极性双原子分子多光子电离研究》     2011.9

3、山东省面上项目《强激光场中分子高次谐波的抑制和增强研究》     2015.7


《强激光场中双原子分子多光子电离的光电子能量谱和动量谱研究》   2011.1

《过渡金属修饰对石墨烯结构氧化锌表面气体吸附的影响》   2016.11


《分子器件微观结构表征和非弹性电子隧穿谱的研究》   2012.1

GaN基稀磁半导体薄膜的制备及其性质研究》   2015.9

InGaN 基纳米管阵列 LED 发光效率的研究》   2017.1


(1)Yulong Xu, Jingxue Zhang, and Dunyou Wang*, Solvent effects and potential of mean force: a multilayered-representation quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics study of the CH3Br + CN reaction in aqueous solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(37), 19993-20000(2014).

(2)Yulong Xu, Ting Wang, and Dunyou Wang*, A multilayered-representation quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics study of the SN2 reaction of CH3Br + OH  in aqueous solution. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137(18), 3655-3660(2012).

(3) Yulong Xu, Jingxue Zhang, and Dunyou Wang*, Investigation of the CH3Cl + CN reaction in water: Multilevel quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 142 (24), 4219-4028(2015).

(4) Jie Chen, Yulong Xu, and Dunyou Wang*, A multilayered representation, quantum mechanical and molecular mechanics study of the CH3F + OH reaction in water. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 35 (6), 445-450(2014).

 (5) Jingxue Zhang, Yulong Xu, Jing Lv and Dunyou Wang*, Quantum mechanical and molecular mechanics approach with a multilayered-quantum representation study of solvent effects and potentials of mean force for the CH3CH2 Cl + ClO , S N 2 reaction in aqueous solution. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts,134(2), 1-7(2015).

(6) Jingxue Zhang, Yulong Xu, Jie Chen and Dunyou Wang*, A multilayered-representation, quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics study of the CH3Cl + Freaction in aqueous solution:the reaction mechanism, solvent effects and potential of mean force. ,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 7611—7617(2014).

(7) PengLiu, Dunyou Wang* and Yulong Xu, A new, double-inversion mechanism of the F- + CH3Cl SN2 reaction in aqueous solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(46), 31895-31903(2016).

(8) QiangWang*, Xingguo Gao, Yulong Xu, Jiancai Leng, Carrier localization in strong phase-separated InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well dual-wavelength LEDs. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 726(2017).

 (9)Xingguo Gao, Baoyan Man*, Qiang wang, Yulong Xu et al, The important role of Ga vacancies in the ferromagnetic GaN thin films. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 699(2016).

(10) Li Guo, and Yulong Xu*, Computational Studies on O(3P) +CHF2 Reaction Mechanism. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 513-517, 291-294(2014).

 (11) 任向河*吴燕,张敬涛,马慧,许玉龙, Imprints of molecular orbitals using photoelectron angular distribution by strong laser pulses of circular polarization. Chinese Physics B, 22(7), 148-152(2013).

(12) Li Guo, and Yulong Xu*, Theoretical Study on Chemospecificity of CF3SO3CF2CF3 + FReactions. J. At. Mol. Sci., 8(3), 146-151(2017).


