

 刘晓薇,教授,硕士生导师,于20062014年分别获华南师范大学和同济大学数学硕士、博士学位。主要兴趣:(1)奇异摄动问题的有限元方法及分析;(2)非线性偏微分方程解的定性研究。主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,山东省自然科学基金面上项目2项,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,在SIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisIMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisJournal of Differential Equations等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文四十余篇,获山东省高等学校自然科学技术奖二等奖2项。







1.Xiaowei Liu, Min Yang, Jin Zhang, Supercloseness of weak Galerkin method for a singularly perturbed convection–diffusion problem in 2D
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2024, 436: 115404.
2.Xiaowei Liu
Jin ZhangUniform convergence of optimal order for a finite element method on a Bakhvalov-type mesh for a singularly perturbed convection diffusion equation with parabolic layers, Numerical Algorithms, 2023, 94: 459–478.

3.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangSupercloseness of weak Galerkin method on Bakhvalov type mesh for a singularly perturbed problem in 1D, Numerical Algorithms, 2023, 93: 367–395.
4.Xiaowei Liu
Jin ZhangSupercloseness and post-processing of finite element method in a balanced norm for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion equationComputers & Mathematics with Applications, 2023, 142: 1-8.

5.Xiaowei LiuMin YangError estimations in the balanced norm of finite element method on Bakhvalov–Shishkin triangular mesh for reaction–diusion problemsApplied Mathematics Letters, 2022, 123: 107523.

6.Xiaowei Liu, Jin Zhang, Supercloseness of linear streamline diffusion finite element method on Bakhvalov-type mesh for singularly perturbed convection diffusion equation in 1D, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022, 430127258.  

7.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangUniform supercloseness of Galerkin finite element method for convection-diffusion problems with characteristic layersComputers & Mathematics with Applications2018, 75: 444-458.

8.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangPointwise estimates of SDFEM on Shishkin triangular meshes for problems with characteristic layersNumerical Algorithms201878:465-483.

9.Xiaowei LiuMartin Stynes, Jin ZhangSupercloseness of edge stabilization on Shishkin rectangular meshes for convection-diffusion problems with exponential layersIMA Journal of Numerical Analysis2018, 38: 2105–2122.

10.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangThe transition speed of reaction-diffusion problems with Robin and free boundary conditions, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2018, 76:135-141.

11.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangAsymptotic behaviors of radially symmetric solutions to diffusion problems with Robin boundary condition in exterior domain, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 201839: 1-13.

12.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangGalerkin finite element methods for convection–diffusion problems with exponential layers on Shishkin triangular meshes and hybrid meshes, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 307244-256.

13.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangAnalysis of the SDFEM in a streamline diffusion norm for singularly perturbed convection diffusion problems, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2017,69:61-66.

14.Xiaowei LiuJin ZhangAsymptotic behavior of solutions of a reaction diffusion equation with inhomogeneous Robin boundary condition and free boundary conditionNonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2016, 28126-139.
15.Jin Zhang
Xiaowei LiuMin YangOptimal order L^2 error estimate of SDFEM on Shishkin triangular meshes for singularly perturbed convection diffusion equationsSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2016, 54(4): 2060-2080.

16.Xiaowei Liu, Bendong Lou, On a reaction–diffusion equation with Robin and free boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, 259 (2): 423-453.

17.Xiaowei Liu, Jin Zhang, Analysis of the SDFEM for convection-diffusion problems with characteristic layers, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 262326-334.

18.Xiaowei Liu, Bendong Lou, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Diffusion Problems with Robin and Free Boundary Conditions, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2013, 8(3): 18-32.


刘莎莎 2021级 发表SCI一区论文1篇,获山东省研究生创新成果奖

朱雪格 2020级 发表SCI二区论文1篇,于中国地质大学攻读博士学位

张顺芹 2020级 发表SCI二区论文1篇,于山东沂南县一中就职

安然 2019级 发表EI论文2篇,于枣庄科技职业学院就职

田十方 2019级 发表SCI三区论文1篇,于宁波大学攻读博士学位

毛俊杰 2018级 发表SCI三区论文1篇,于江西工程学院就职


