


郭荣伟,男,1979年生,教授,博士,2011年毕业于山东大学控制科学与工程学院控制理论与控制工程专业。2004起开始进行混沌系统的控制与同步研究工作,自2007年起开始对非线性切换系统稳定分析和控制设计进行研究,取得了一批具有较高水平的研究成果,所得成果分别发表在《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation》、《Asian Journal of Control》、《Physics Letter A》、《Chaos Solitons & Fractals》、《Physica Scripta》、Symmetry》、《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》《International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems》、《控制理论与应用》、《控制与决策》等国际国内顶级期刊上。2012年以来,作为课题负责人先后主持国家自然科学基金数学天元专项基金、国家自然科学基金青年基金、山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金、山东省自然科学基金面上项目各1项。发表论文30篇,其中SCI收录18篇,EI收录6篇。





[1]Rongwei Guo,Projective synchronization of a class of chaotic systems by dynamic feedback control method, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 90(1):53–64,SCI

[2]Rongwei GuoYuzhen Wang, Region stability analysis for switched nonlinear systems with multiple equilibriaInternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems,2017,15(2): 567-574,SCI.

[3]Lixia Liu, Rongwei Guo,Control problems of ChenLee system by adaptive control methodNonlinear Dynamics201787(1):503-510SCI.

[4]Lixia Liu, Rongwei Guo, Shuping Ma, Input/output-to-state stability of switched nonlinear systems with an improved average dwell time approach, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,201614(2)461-468SCI.

[5]Rongwei GuoH. G. Enjieu KadjiXinguang ZhangUchechukwu E. VincentWenguang YuControl problem of nonlinear systems with applicationsMathematical Problems in Engineering,20162016(3137609)1-2SCI

[6]Ling RenRongwei GuoSynchronization and antisynchronization for a class of chaotic systems by a simple adaptive controllerMathematical Problems in Engineering20152015(434651)1-7SCI.

[7] Ling RenRongwei GuoU. E VincentCoexistence of synchronization and anti-synchronization in chaotic systemsArchives of Control Sciences,201626(1)69-79EI

[8]Rongwei Guo, Stability analysis of a class of switched nonlinear systems with an improved average dwell time method, Abstract and applied analysis, 2014, 214756, SCI. 

[9]Rongwei Guo, Ping Zhao, Chenghui Zhang, Input-to-state stability for a class of switched stochastic nonlinear systems by an improved average dwell time method, Mathematical problems in engineering, 2014,154679,. SCI.

[10]Rongwei Guo, Yuzhen Wang, Stability analysis for a class of switched linear systems, Asian Journal of Control, 2012, 14(3): 817-826 , SCI.

[11]Rongwei Guo, Finite-time stabilization of a class of chaotic systems via  adaptive control method Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2012, 17(1), 255-262,. SCI.

[12] 郭荣伟, 王玉振*, 一类多平衡点线性切换系统稳定区域的估计, 控制理论与应用, 2012,29(4): 409-414EI.

[13] 郭荣伟, 王玉振*, 基于最小驻留时间法估计线性切换系统的分量最终界, 控制与决策,2012, 27(11): 1729-1734EI.

[14]Rongwei Guo, Simultaneous synchronization and anti- synchronization of two identical new 4-D chaotic systems, Chinese physics letter, 2011,28(4), 040205,.SCI.

[15] U. E, Vincent, Rongwei Guo, Finite-time synchronization for a class of chaotic and hyper-chaotic systems via adaptive feedback controller, Physics Letter A, 2011, 375 (24): 2322-2326,. SCI. 

[16]Rongwei Guo, U. E Vincent, Finite time stabilization of chaotic systems via single input, Physics Letter A, 375(2), 119-124, 2010. (SCI)

[17]Rongwei Guo, Gang Li, Modification for collection of master-slave synchronized chaotic systems, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 40(1), 453-457, 2009. (SCI)

[18]Rongwei Guo, U. E Vincent, B.A. Idowu, Synchronization of chaos in RCL-shunted Josephson junction using a simple adaptive controller, Physica Scripta, 2009, 79(3), 035801,  SCI.

[19]Rongwei Guo, U. E Vincent,, Control of a unified chaotic system via single variable feedback, Chinese Physics Letter, 2009, 29(9), 090506,. SCI

[20] U. E Vincent, Rongwei Guo, A simple adaptive control for full and reduced-order synchronization of uncertain time-varying chaotic systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009, 14 (11): 3925-3932. SCI.

[21] Rongwei Guo, A simple adaptive controller for chaos and hyperchaos synchronization, Physics Letter A, 2008, 372(34): 5593-5597, SCI.

[22] Li Gang, Guo Rongwei, Comments on Formulation of fuzzy linear programming problems as four-objective constrained optimization problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007186 (1): 941-944, SCI.

