


胡涛,男,理学博士,副教授。毕业于湘潭大学材料与光电物理学院凝聚态物理专业。主要研究低维体系中的热输运及非线性问题,研究成果以论文的形式发表在J. Phys. Soc.JpnPhysica BPhysica AEurophys. Lett.Physics Letters AChinese Physics BJ. Stat. Phys. 等国内外重要学术刊物上。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项






1Xiang Ju*, Hu Tao, Zhang Yan, et al. Local modularity for communitydetection in complex networks. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications,2016, 443:451–459.

2Xiang Ju*, Hu Ke, Hu Tao, et al. Analysis and perturbation of degreecorrelation in complex networks. Epl, 2015, 111(4).

3Xiang Ju*, Hu Tao, Hu Ke, et al. Analysis of community-detection methodsbased on Potts spin model in complex networks. Canadian Journal of Physics, 2015,93:418-423(6).

4Tao Hu*, Ke Hu and Yi Tang. Symmetric heat conduction in harmonic chainwith harmonic on-site potential and mass gradient. International Journal of ModernPhysics B, 2012, 26(5): 1250046(9).

5Tao Hu, MengBai, Ke Hu and Yi Tang*. Heat transport in coupledinhomogeneous chains. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(6): 060508(6).

6Chao-Fei Liu, Ke Hu, Tao Hu, and Yi Tang*.Dark soliton inone-dimensional bose—einstein condensate under a periodic perturbation of trap.Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(1), 150-156.

7Tao Hu and Yi Tang*. Anomalous heat conduction in one-dimensionalquantum Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice: Semiquantal Approach, Journal of the PhysicalSociety of Japan, 2010, 79(6): 064601(7).

8Tao Hu, Ke Hu and Yi Tang*. Anharmonic on-site potential impliesasymmetry thermal transport in 1D mass-graded harmonic lattice, Physica B, 2010,405(21): 4407-4412.

9Ke Hu, Chao-Fei Liu, Tao Hu, and Yi Tang*, Enhancing Traffic Capacityfor Scale-Free Networks by one-way links, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical andTheoretical, 2010, 43(17): 175101(1-10).

10Ke Hu, Tao Hu and Yi Tang*, Cascade Defense via Control of the Fluxes inComplex Networks, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2010, 141(3): 555-565.

11Ke Hu, Tao Hu and Yi Tang*, Model for cascading failures with adaptivedefense in complex networks, Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(8): 080206(1-7).

12Chao-Fei Liu, Ke Hu, Tao Hu, and Yi Tang*, Energy transformation increating dark solitons and sound waves, Physics Letters A, 2010, 374(19): 2089-2094.

